Monday, February 18, 2008

First Day!

Ok well yesterday was my first day of Midwifery school and boy did it take me back to the first day of high school, not in the horribleness, but in the sense of adventure and unease. I must admit I got a bit of a shock when I first rocked up as in my naivety I had assumed that I would be in a younger minority in the group. How wrong was I! There was probably only a 1/4 or a 1/5 of students say over the thirty mark. This may sound like a random thing to remark on but some of my hesitancy in applying was that for some reason I thought midwifery was a profession for older people with more 'life experience'. I was again proved wrong in my arrogance here as talking to some of the girls my age and that live in my area we had all pretty much done another degree before deciding to do this instead. I guess as the course goes on my eyes are going to be opened like that a lot! Bring it on!
On the course content front it was a pretty standard introduction day. Our main lecturers seem pretty good, they have a good style, and the Head of the department doesn't seem to take any nonsense which is excellent.
I can't wait to get my hands dirty and really get into this!


Kate said...

I can't wait for you to get into it too, it's so exciting!

Hey, where did your header go? Don't you like it anymore? *sob* - nah I can make you a new one whenever you feel like it.

Amie said...

Kate it was never up! Lol I know you made it but i never saw it up here, can you try again if you have a chance, please, I love it!

Lil said...

Just thought I would stop by and say good luck with your midwifery. Kate directed me to your blog - I'm also starting midwifery this year - had my first day yesterday. Will definitely be stopping by to read :)
Luv Lil xox

Sarah Stewart said...

Its interesting that you talk about age. From a lecturer's perspective, we have always encouraged 'older' women onto the program, here in Dunedin. We have never taken women under the age of 20 - if anything, they have been late 20s and older. But over the last few years, we have been taking school leavers. The main reason is pragmatics - getting bums on seats & to help address the problem of recruitment and retention of midwives.

However, we are really enjoying having 'younger' women in our program. Whilst you may not have the life experience of older women, you do not have the biases that older women can have. I also think it is a huge advantage not to have the family responsibilities that older women have. So, enjoy your course and remember that you are a unique person and bring unique attributes to midwifery, whatever your age.

Goodness, I sound like some old maiden aunt - ahhh!

Amie said...

Hey Sarah, thanks, lol, everyone needs an old maiden aunt.