Friday, February 22, 2008

One Week Old

Well one week down and I am loving it! We haven't really learnt anything yet as such as well still have had a lot of admin and intro stuff etc, however, come Monday I have a feeling that that is all about to change (I have a lot of reading to do this weekend in prep for Monday, and thats just Monday, gah!). I had a few anxiety issues on the first day, I wasn't worried about forgetting to put on my underwear of not being able to find my way around, you know the typical first day stuff. I was more nervous that perhaps I was in the wrong place and had chosen the wrong course, to be honest I was scared that someone would stop me and say 'you can't be a midwife', or something to that effect. I felt very vulnerable and exposed which made me think hard about why I was there. And you know what, on the second day I knew for sure that this is where I am meant to be. It is a very empowering thought from a personal development perspective, now I just need to work on owning it, and trust that I can/am allowed to/ cable of doing it. Bah! Ramble ramble! :)
ALSO! I now own my very own Stethoscope and Sphygmomanometer, lol, thats hard to say AND write! Anyway my lovely sister is letting me practice on her, very exciting!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hehe, it's been fun!! So glad you are enjoying your first taste of midwifery! I can live vicariously through you!