Thursday, November 22, 2007

I've Done Heaps..... ahem*

Well I have done heaps towards the ohter paintings really but just not for a week or so. Have got some casual work at the mo which means two jobs ie, working 6 days ( about 50+ hours) which is all good but doesnt leave much time for anything else other than maintaining hygeine, eating, and sleeping. Still christmas is coming and at least now I can be certain it will come.
Arghhh..... looking for a new flat, we need to be out before mid dec so if all goes to plan that will be my third house move this year!! I am an expert at packing! The only problem is trying to find a place in a good location, in our price range and that isnt a shanti town. So how quite a few open homes to go to after work on saturday, but hopefully sunday will be blissfully quiet.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Painted Hands

Painting painting painting. Last year I painted pictures of animals for my nieces for their Christmas pressies to save a bit of monies. This year I'm doing it again but hoping to sell them to make a bit of money for Christmas. Its mostly fun, have set up a mini production line and am drinking lots of coffee and surreptitiously playing on the computer, using my remaining clean fingers. This is what I came up with last year.

(Well one of them anyway)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

So.... DID I tell you?

Yep, the rumours are true. I am going to be a midwife, if all goes to plan. I have officially been accepted into a Bachelor of Health Science, Midwifery degree. I'm a tad excited to say the least. I start in the new year! Woot!